2016年5月7日 星期六

「慈悲冥想(Compassion Kriya)」寶瓶箴言之2016年:以慈悲來體察,否則你將錯解這個時代 Understand through Compassion or you will Misunderstand the Times.

  曾於2012翻譯整理過寶瓶時代的5個箴言,其中第一年「2013夏至冥想:認清他人即是你Recognize that the other person is you(3HO全球冥想40天)」。

  今年走到了第4個箴言,這句英文之前有過幾種中文翻譯的說法,在我這次看了大師Yogi Bhajan的解釋之後,大膽用我自己的中文語法來順這句話:「以慈悲來體察,否則你將錯解這個(寶瓶)時代。」

  YB在字面上表達「用慈悲來理解 ── 而不是用激情」。我所想到的激情,也許就像狂熱的、煽動性的思想行為,而腦海中突然閃過「感情用事」四個字,當以自我中心的想法去想像他人、將自己的腦內小劇場無限延伸,卻往往誤會了或曲解了他人的本意。然而心(頭腦)總是隨著感情、情緒跑來跑去,它是沒有定見的、它是不能控制的。所以我們需要慈悲。── 我很喜歡YB所闡釋的這個觀念,很呼應我所知道的佛法,關於破除自我幻相、慈悲與空性」雙運的部份,感謝YB提供最簡單說明和實修入門。── 因此這個箴言的標題,我使用「體察」二字來代替「理解」,感覺比較有味道。




  以下是Winni Abnashjot Kaur的中文翻譯服務,如需取用請標註來源,謝謝。


翻譯 by Winni Abnashjot Kaur 愛在昆達里尼瑜珈


Yogi Bhajan闡釋此箴言時,他說,我們必須用慈悲來理解 ── 而不是用激情 ── 否則我們將會誤解。激情就像潮汐一般來來去去。心(頭腦)不可能是穩定的,因為激情的浪潮總會讓心上上下下、四處亂跑。


以手的觸碰、話語和眼神的接觸,而非以世界上所有圖書館的知識,來開啟了人的心。把你的激情化作慈悲,感覺其他人是你、以及你是別人。將自我中心的我(the egocentric self)的障礙移除,並感覺我在所有之內。萬物即一,一即所有。」

~Yogi Bhajan

慈悲Kriya (Compassion Kriya)

Yogi Bhajan 初授於1986年7月11日
翻譯 by Winni Abnashjot Kaur 愛在昆達里尼瑜珈




Mantra:唱誦Rakhay Rakhanahaar的抒情版。


  1. 在mantra的第一行,雙手帶到胸前按住,雙手交叉。
  2. 在mantra的第二行,雙手下來放膝蓋上,讓手腕休息。
  3. 繼續以這種方式交替運動,但保持雙手在胸前,最後一行重複兩次。然後短暫地放下,並再次於第一行(唱誦的時候)提高雙手。

  Rakhay rakhanhaar aap ubaariun
  Gur kee pairee paa-eh kaaj savaariun
  Hoaa aap dayaal manho na visaariun
  Saadh janaa kai sung bhavjal taariun
  Saakat nindak dusht khin maa-eh bidaariun
  Tis Saahib kee tayk naanak manai maa-eh
  Jis simrat sukh ho-eh saglay dookh jaa-eh
  Jis simrat sukh ho-eh saglay dookh jaa-eh


Global Solstice Sadhana: 4th Sutra Meditation示範影片:



(您也可以Rakhe Rakhanhar或Rakhe Rakhan Har的關鍵字,搜尋Youtube上你喜歡的歌曲版本,只要抒情即可。)


※ 5/11補充2016夏至前,全球四40天冥想─透過了解產生慈悲心 (Light of KY昆達里尼之光 by Monica老師)
Spirit Voyage英文網頁


2016 Theme: The 4th Sutra

This year's theme is the 4th Sutra of the Aquarian Age: 
"Understand through Compassion   
or you will Misunderstand the Times."

Yogi Bhajan clarified this sutra when he said we need to understand through compassion—instead of  passion—or we will misunderstand. Passions are like tides coming and going. The mind can't be steady because the tidal waves of passion will always take the mind up, down, and all around.

Compassion is like a trade wind carrying you across an infinite ocean. "Turn your passions into compassion by feeling others are you and you are others. Remove the barriers of the egocentric self and feel the self in all. All is one and one is all.”

It is only when you come from your heart that your words can penetrate every heart. "When a being becomes totally a being of compassion, then his words can shake every heart, they penetrate.”
"It is the touch of the hand, a spoken word and the contact of the eyes which open the heart of the man, not the knowledge of all the libraries in the world. Turn your passions into compassion by feeling others are you and you are others. Remove the barriers of the egocentric self and feel the self in all. All is one and one is all.”" 
- Yogi Bhajan

Compassion Kriya
Originally taught by Yogi Bhajan on July 11, 1986

The only beautiful thing which makes you human is compassion. Think about vengeance, lies, truth, God, greatness, think of anything, if you take compassion out of it, everything becomes bitter. Compassion is a value of life; it is power; it is God and meditation; it is truth. Compassion gives you the strength to go through suffering and yet, feel no pain. There is absolutely no grace without compassion.

Posture: Sit in Easy Pose with your spine straight.
Mudra: Cross the Saturn Fingers (middle fingers) over the Jupiter fingers (index fingers) of each hand. Place thumbs on mounds of Mercury, which is just at the base of the pinkie.
Mantra: Sing with a lyrical version of Rakhay Rakhanahaar.
Eyes: Closed.
On the first line of the mantra, bring the hands up and press them into the chest, one palm over the other.
On the second line of the mantra, lower the arms so the wrists rest on the knees.
Continue alternating in this way, but keep the hands at the chest for the last line that repeats twice.
Then briefly lower and raise them again for the first line.

Rakhay rakhanhaar aap ubaariun
Gur kee pairee paa-eh kaaj savaariun
Hoaa aap dayaal manho na visaariun
Saadh janaa kai sung bhavjal taariun
Saakat nindak dusht khin maa-eh bidaariun
Tis Saahib kee tayk naanak manai maa-eh
Jis simrat sukh ho-eh saglay dookh jaa-eh
Jis simrat sukh ho-eh saglay dookh jaa-eh
 (Briefly lower the hands and then continue.)
Time: Continue for 31 minutes.
The Teachings of Yogi Bhajan ©2008

