8月15日至8月25日,唱誦11天的Guru Ram Das
Yogi Bhajan生日的前11天,我們每天都會唱誦「Guru Guru Wahe Guru, Guru Ram Das Guru」31分鐘。Guru Ram Das,是Yogi Bhajan的靈性導師,這是一個很棒的機會,藉由呼求Guru Ram Das來與Yogi Bhajan連結,打開我們的心,感恩Yogi Bhajan大師慷慨地與我們分享他的教導和來自大師們的所有祝福。
8月26日,全球同步唱誦Guru Ram Das
Yogi Bhajan生日當天的太平洋日光時間(美國西岸)的下午3點,於世界各地共同唱誦「Guru Guru Wahe Guru, Guru Ram Das Guru」11分鐘。我們所有人完全地團結一致,同一時間在全球各地同步唱誦。這是一個強大的全球性能量連結、向奇蹟大師Guru Ram Das祈禱,散佈到世界各地。
Guru Ram Das的唱誦有很多音樂版本,你可以參考SpiritVoyage的網站;或可選擇單音、無音樂的唱誦版本(又稱為Air Tattva Mantra),可到3HO網站試聽及購買mp3。
- 在8月15日到8月26日的這12天期間,你可以採用任何一首所喜歡的Guru Ram Das的Mantra音樂來唱誦。
- 8月26日太平洋日光時間(美國西岸)的下午3點,是台灣時間的8月27日上午6點鐘。
其中一個Guru Ram Das版本(Guru Ram Das - Mirabai Ceiba):
8月26日,清晨早課的Adi Shakti Mantra長唱誦
8月26日,清晨早課的Adi Shakti Mantra長唱誦
8月26日的清晨,我們會唱誦Adi Shakti Mantra(Long Ek Ong Kar,又稱 Morning Call)2.5個小時。兩個半小時的唱誦時間感覺是很漫長的,建議您加入一個團體共同唱誦。如果你一個人單獨唱誦,可以想像四週有你的親朋好友與你一同唱誦,而你帶領著他們唱誦。如果你不曾體驗過清晨兩個半小時的長唱誦,這是一次難得的機會。
Yogi Bhajan說:「這Mantra被稱為寶瓶時代的Ashtang Mantra,它有八個振動,描述了對神的榮耀。大師這樣說:在太陽升起前的兩個半小時,是身體管道最清潔的時候,如果這時用甜蜜和諧的音調來唱誦這個梵音,你就能與神同在。這個唱誦能打開太陽神經叢,並為太陽中心注滿活力。唱誦者能與宇宙能量連接,並因此從時間和業力輪迴中解脫。那些在靜默中冥想這個梵音的人,會使太陽中心充滿力量並與神合一。這就是我為什麼告訴你們應該冥想和唱誦這個梵音的原因。」──參閱寶瓶教師培訓手冊(2017中文版)第103頁
Adi Shakti Mantra(Long Ek Ong Kaar)的唱誦示範:
Celebrate Yogi Bhajan’s Birthday Anniversary
Every year we celebrate Yogi Bhajan’s birthday. This is a very cozy occasion when we chant together in gratitude for all the priceless teachings he shared with us. In the early days, we gathered at the park across from Guru Ram Das Ashram in Los Angeles. People would come from around the world to be with Yogiji on his birthday.
For eleven days prior to his birthday on August 26, we chant Guru Guru Wahe Guru Guru Ram Das Guru for 31 minutes. In many communities, the chanting is hosted at different people’s homes each night. It’s always a special time for yoga students and teachers, family, and friends to vibrate together, share food and stories, and celebrate the life and legacy of Yogi Bhajan.
August 15 – August 25:
Eleven days of chanting Guru Guru Wahe Guru, Guru Ram Das Guru for 31 minutes. Call on Guru Ram Das using Yogi Bhajan’s personal mantra. Join the global spiritual community in connecting with the spirit of Yogi Bhajan, and offering thanks for all the blessings he so generously shared with us.
August 26:
At exactly 3:00 a.m. Pacific Daylight Savings Time our worldwide community will simultaneously chant Guru Guru Wahe Guru, Guru Ram Das Guru for 11 minutes. This is a powerful worldwide energetic connection to Guru Ram Das, the Lord of Miracles.
For morning sadhana on August 26 we chant the Morning Chant (long Ek Ong Kars) for 2.5 hours. Yes, it is a long time, and it helps if you are can chant with a group. If you are chanting by yourself, then imagine you are chanting with many other voices. If you haven’t experienced chanting the Morning Chant for 2.5 hours before, this is a perfect opportunity. In the ambrosial hours at the Hacienda de Guru Ram Das in Espanola, the sadhana room (in the Gurdwara) is packed full of yogis and yoginis wishing to partake of the nectar of this special blessing. Join in with your community and let us know how it went for you!
Global Meditation for Yogi Bhajan’s Birthday
From August 15 – August 25, the eleven days leading up to Yogi Bhajan’s birthday, we chant Guru Guru Wahe Guru, Guru Ram Das Guru for 31 minutes each day. Call on Guru Ram Das and join our global spiritual community in connecting with the spirit of Yogi Bhajan. This is a wonderful opportunity to open our hearts and offer thanks for all the blessings he so generously shared with us.
On August 26 at exactly 3:00 a.m. Pacific Daylight Savings Time, our worldwide community simultaneously chants Guru Guru Wahe Guru, Guru Ram Das Guru for 11 minutes. We are totally united as one voice, as all around the globe we synchronous our practice. Here in Espanola we chant at 4:00am and in India they are chanting at 4:30 in the afternoon. This is a powerful worldwide energetic connection and prayer to Guru Ram Das, the Lord of Miracles, going out all around the world.
For translations of the Guru Ram Das chant and to listen to many versions, click here. For instructions for chanting the Guru Ram Das chant without music in a monotone (also known as the Air Tattva Mantra, to download the Air Tattva Mantra mp3 click here.
For morning sadhana on August 26 we chant the Adi Shakti Mantra (Long Ek Ong Kars) for 2.5 hours.
Yogi Bhajan said, “This mantra is known as the Ashtang Mantra for the Aquarian Age… It has eight vibrations, and describes the glory of God. Thus said the Master, ‘In the time period two-and-a-half hours before the rising of the Sun, when the channels are most clear, if the Mantra is sung in sweet harmony, you will be one with the Lord.’ “All mantras are good, and awaken the Divine. But this mantra is effective, and is the mantra for this time. So my lovely students, at the will of the Master, I teach you the greatest Divine key. It has eight levers, and can open the lock of the time, which is also of the vibration of eight. Therefore, when this mantra is sung with the Neck Lock, at the point where praana and apaana meet sushmuna, this vibration opens the lock, and thus one becomes one with the Divine.” ~from The Aquarian Teacher Training Manual, page 429.
If you haven’t yet experienced this amazing meditation, this is the time. Enjoy the nectar of this special blessing. Join in with your community and let us know how it goes!
Celebrate Yogi Bhajan’s Birthday Anniversary
Every year we celebrate Yogi Bhajan’s birthday. This is a very cozy occasion when we chant together in gratitude for all the priceless teachings he shared with us. In the early days, we gathered at the park across from Guru Ram Das Ashram in Los Angeles. People would come from around the world to be with Yogiji on his birthday.
For eleven days prior to his birthday on August 26, we chant Guru Guru Wahe Guru Guru Ram Das Guru for 31 minutes. In many communities, the chanting is hosted at different people’s homes each night. It’s always a special time for yoga students and teachers, family, and friends to vibrate together, share food and stories, and celebrate the life and legacy of Yogi Bhajan.
August 15 – August 25:
Eleven days of chanting Guru Guru Wahe Guru, Guru Ram Das Guru for 31 minutes. Call on Guru Ram Das using Yogi Bhajan’s personal mantra. Join the global spiritual community in connecting with the spirit of Yogi Bhajan, and offering thanks for all the blessings he so generously shared with us.
August 26:
At exactly 3:00 a.m. Pacific Daylight Savings Time our worldwide community will simultaneously chant Guru Guru Wahe Guru, Guru Ram Das Guru for 11 minutes. This is a powerful worldwide energetic connection to Guru Ram Das, the Lord of Miracles.
For morning sadhana on August 26 we chant the Morning Chant (long Ek Ong Kars) for 2.5 hours. Yes, it is a long time, and it helps if you are can chant with a group. If you are chanting by yourself, then imagine you are chanting with many other voices. If you haven’t experienced chanting the Morning Chant for 2.5 hours before, this is a perfect opportunity. In the ambrosial hours at the Hacienda de Guru Ram Das in Espanola, the sadhana room (in the Gurdwara) is packed full of yogis and yoginis wishing to partake of the nectar of this special blessing. Join in with your community and let us know how it went for you!
Global Meditation for Yogi Bhajan’s Birthday
From August 15 – August 25, the eleven days leading up to Yogi Bhajan’s birthday, we chant Guru Guru Wahe Guru, Guru Ram Das Guru for 31 minutes each day. Call on Guru Ram Das and join our global spiritual community in connecting with the spirit of Yogi Bhajan. This is a wonderful opportunity to open our hearts and offer thanks for all the blessings he so generously shared with us.
On August 26 at exactly 3:00 a.m. Pacific Daylight Savings Time, our worldwide community simultaneously chants Guru Guru Wahe Guru, Guru Ram Das Guru for 11 minutes. We are totally united as one voice, as all around the globe we synchronous our practice. Here in Espanola we chant at 4:00am and in India they are chanting at 4:30 in the afternoon. This is a powerful worldwide energetic connection and prayer to Guru Ram Das, the Lord of Miracles, going out all around the world.
For translations of the Guru Ram Das chant and to listen to many versions, click here. For instructions for chanting the Guru Ram Das chant without music in a monotone (also known as the Air Tattva Mantra, to download the Air Tattva Mantra mp3 click here.
For morning sadhana on August 26 we chant the Adi Shakti Mantra (Long Ek Ong Kars) for 2.5 hours.
Yogi Bhajan said, “This mantra is known as the Ashtang Mantra for the Aquarian Age… It has eight vibrations, and describes the glory of God. Thus said the Master, ‘In the time period two-and-a-half hours before the rising of the Sun, when the channels are most clear, if the Mantra is sung in sweet harmony, you will be one with the Lord.’ “All mantras are good, and awaken the Divine. But this mantra is effective, and is the mantra for this time. So my lovely students, at the will of the Master, I teach you the greatest Divine key. It has eight levers, and can open the lock of the time, which is also of the vibration of eight. Therefore, when this mantra is sung with the Neck Lock, at the point where praana and apaana meet sushmuna, this vibration opens the lock, and thus one becomes one with the Divine.” ~from The Aquarian Teacher Training Manual, page 429.
If you haven’t yet experienced this amazing meditation, this is the time. Enjoy the nectar of this special blessing. Join in with your community and let us know how it goes!