2018年2月5日 星期一

2018 Satkirin 台灣瑜珈音流工作坊/ Sound Current workshop in Taiwan with Satkirin

2018. 2.24~25
The joy, harmony, and fulfillment of singing meditations in Kundalini Yoga ——Sound Current Workshop at Taipei with Satkirin Khalsa


不需要任何的瑜珈或冥想基礎,歡迎所有人前來探索真實的聲音,學習受用一生的歌唱冥想技巧,並享受觸動身心的現場 Live 音樂演奏! [全程英文授課,現場中文翻譯]

Music and singing, are the most delightful qualities of human expression. To sing and hear yourself singing can be so joy filled and and satisfying.

We are so blessed to have musical meditation as the premier meditation in Kundalini Yoga. This music, the song of the soul, called Kirtan, is the supreme meditation for this age. It brings happiness and clears your mind of clutter and worries.

This course includes live music, and singing and joyful guided meditations. No prior experience in Yoga or meditation needed. All are welcome! 

[  Please enter your EMAIL below to proceed the registration :)  ]

你將學習到/ You will learn:
- 2-3 basic yoga sets to align your body with your intention
- A personal practice to strengthen and find your best voice 
- How to tune your voice  
- Understanding Naad-history, dynamics, and components
- Useful singing meditation for emotional stability and well-being

「音流之美,本質上即是你的自性之美;音流的迴響,即是你自性的滋味;生命的活力,即是音流的投射;而生命的圓滿,即是音流本身。」——瑜珈大師巴贊 / "The beauty of the Naad is essentially the beauty of the self. The resounding of the Naad is the taste of the self. The vitality of life is the projection of the Naad, and the fulfillment of the life is the concept of the Naad.” —Yogi Bhajan

教師介紹:Satkirin Kaur Khalsa

莎特琪琳・卡兒・卡薩(Satkirin Kaur Khalsa)是享譽國際的神聖音流(Gurbani Kirtan)歌者和音樂家,她不僅教授音流瑜珈,也培訓昆達里尼瑜珈教師,更深入學習與傳承錫克聖人的經典、歷史、古魯穆齊文(Gurmukhi),和印度傳統音樂。
在 1970 年她開始開始向昆達里尼瑜珈大師巴贊(Yogi Bhajan)學習,在一趟前往金廟的印度朝聖之旅中,她受到了音流的啟發,繼而向多位印度古典音樂(Raag)大師學習。

她相信這份來自瑜珈的教導與生活方式,能提升、滋養人們的生命,創造出和諧與平靜,並且將在持續的分享中深化。她的足跡遍佈全美、歐洲和印度,而她所發行的 18 張音樂專輯,揉和了西方元素和印度古典音樂,至今仍持續在每一堂昆達里尼瑜珈課上,觸動著無數人的心弦。

One of the most beloved Western Gurbani Kirtan artists, her 18 celebrated kirtan CD’s are landmarks of every Kundalini Yoga class. 

Satkirin’s immense dedication to the yogic sciences has taken her all over the world to share this knowledge, which she began learning directly from her teacher, Yogi Bhajan, in 1970. She is a teacher trainer of Kundalini Yoga with a deep, direct understanding of this yoga discipline. 

She brings vibrancy, humor and deep understanding of spiritual sound current. Her music delivers a deep experience of how Naad and rhythm work together to calibrate the ten bodies for a quintessential experience of bliss.

As she says, “Sharing the technology of this yogic way of life to uplift, enrich and bring harmony and peace to others is a gift that can only grow with sharing.”

活動詳情與報名表單: https://goo.gl/forms/rQgGpoJQLigumCYn2



2018準備發行的新專輯《meditate forever》




