Meditation for Trust and the Power of the Word
Mantra:Wahe Guru
Wahe Guru便是我們對那神性所流露出的狂喜而又敬畏。
Wahe Guru是對神聖的完全的敬畏和狂喜的表達。表述從黑暗到光明、無知到真知的不可描述的體驗。這是一個trikutee的Mantra,平衡產生、組織、轉化的能量。也是gurmantra,觸發命運。
Wahe is a statement of awe and ecstasy. Guru is that which brings us from darkness to

Speak and Be the Living Truth
The year 2012 is a “5″ year in Tantric Numerolgy. The fifth chakra/throat chakra (Vishudda) is ruled by the Ether Tattva which which corresponds to the Throat Chakra, the power of projection and penetration. Mastery of the etheric element in combination with the spoken word has the potential of bringing the heavens to the earth–to create a reality that matches the Divine Will. As we are now in the Aquarian Age without qualification, we need to become the answer to living on this small globe together. When we act from our original Self, we begin from silence and we create through the Word. We vibrate with our entire being. We project with the power of the fifth chakra. The past is gone. Let it go. Welcome what is yet to be seen. Release all fear and replace it with trust and commitment.
1. 輕鬆坐姿,手呈Gyan Mudra放在膝上。
2. 跟著Nirinjan Kaur的 Wahe Guru 一起唱誦11分鐘,接著深深吸氣、吐氣,放鬆。
This is a powerful meditation for releasing fear and building trust and commitment through the power of the word.
- Sit in Easy Pose with the hands in Gyan Mudra.
- Chant the mantra Wahe Guru using the music below by Nirinjan Kaur. Continue for 11 minutes, then inhale deeply, exhale, and relax.
*試聽和購買這首乙太元素Mantra:Wahe Guru
Purchase the Ether Tattva MP3 by Nirinjan Kaur
*響應2012夏至瑜珈節的90天冥想練習,開始於 5/5 (六) ,結束於 8/2 (四)。不論你能不能參加瑜珈節,你都能參與這個練習。
Join the 90 Day Summer Solstice Support Sadhana - STARTS MAY 5th - We will chant 11 minutes of the Wahe Guru Mantra everyday to prepare for Solstice and to integrate the Solstice experience after Solstice. You do not have to attend the Solstice Celebration to participate in this Global Sadhana!
*Guru Charan 說明及示範90天全球冥想Ether Tattva Meditation:(感謝Sat Charan翻譯)
.唱誦 Wa 時感覺打開喉輪,He 帶到胸口,Guru 時感覺嘴唇力量以及舌尖碰上顎。
Nirinjan Kaur 介紹2012年3HO的乙太冥想:
Nirinjan Kaur 示範並帶領唱誦整首11分鐘的2012年3HO的乙太冥想(總長17分鐘):