2012年9月14日 星期五


(摘錄自《The Science of Keeping UP》1999年第12期–3HO季刊)


感謝Gurucharan Singh Khalsa 博士提供的信息,以下是時間與效應的列表:

  • 3分鐘:調整循環系統,穩定血液
  • 11分鐘:腦垂體和神經開始學習和改變
  • 22分鐘:三種心智(負面、正面、中性)開始共同起作用,情緒發生變化
  • 31分鐘:影響全部心智,磁場和31個元素被平衡
  • 37.5分鐘:通過整個磁場向無限投射,並返回,增強對Naad---內在聲音的感知
  • 62分鐘:負面和正面投射被整合。8的周期=呼吸/普拉那(6+2=8)
  • 2.5小時(150分鐘):一個完整的普拉那和阿帕那循環,獲得的效應貫穿全天,承載潛意識的改變


Times for meditations

Did you ever wonder why some meditations are given for 11 minutes, and others for 62? Do you wonder if it makes a difference? Actually, the various times spent affect the effects!

Here's a table of times and effects. Thanks to MSS Gurucharan Singh Khalsa, PhD.

In 3 minutes, you affect your circulation and blood stability.
In 11 minutes the pituitary and nerves start to learn and change.
In 22 minutes you three minds (Negative, Positive, and neutral) start to work together so your mental integration changes.
31 minutes affects your whole mind, your aura and the 31 Tattwas are balanced.
37-1/2 minutes reflects from the whole aura to infinity and back, stimulating the perception of Naad-the inner sound.
In 62 minutes your “shadow mind” and your positive projection are integrated. Cycle of 8=Breath/Prana [6+2=8]
2-1/2 hours is a complete cycle of prana and apana so what your gain will hold through the cycle of the day; it hold change in the subconscious.

取自 福州 Ramadasa Ashram 博客,以及中國昆達里尼瑜珈的老報紙中文翻譯團隊
[冥想時間-摘自1999年第12期] http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_7170f456010178sh.html

