2012年9月14日 星期五


(摘錄自《The Science of Keeping UP》2000年第14期–3HO季刊)

  • 正確的清洗並使頭髮變乾,需要2至3小時:洗頭後,讓頭髮在太陽下自然風乾,這樣給你維生素。頭髮潮濕時,用毛巾包起來,讓濕度保持一會兒,你的頭髮或頭骨就不會出問題。
  • 清晨,如把頭髮束起來,盤在頭頂太陽中心,會給為你增加33%的能量。
  • 晚上,梳梳頭,編成辮子垂下來,有助更好的睡眠。


Hair care & sleep
How do you wash your hair? You was h your hair so incorrectly, that I can't believe it, what do you do? You wash it, and blow-dry it, and that doesn't work. It takes about two to three hours to wash and dry your hair properly .wash your hair and dry it in the sun. that will give you vitamins. When your hair is wet, put a towel around it, and let it be wet for a while .then you will not have any skull problem or hair problem .in the morning , if you tie your hair up at the solar centers it will give you thirty-three percent percent more energy . at night ,comb and braid your hair to hang down ,that will give you good deep sleep.


取自 福州 Ramadasa Ashram 博客,感謝中國昆達里尼瑜珈的老報紙中文翻譯團隊!

