2012年12月20日 星期四

原始的聲音The Primal Sound-SaReSaSa(SpiritVoyage全球冥想11天)



這個冥想,最初是Yogi Bhajan1993年所教授,它是一個開啟昆達里尼流動的關鍵。新的覺知力會帶給你做出正確決定的權威,以“戰勝生活的醜惡”。這將幫助你在充滿挑戰的時代,感到和平與安全的。這個Mantra是了解所有其他的咒語的一個關鍵的Mantra,你應該在學其他的Mantra之前,先掌握這個Mantra,它將開啟你的脈輪,並使其他Mantra充份產生效果,奠定一個堅實的基礎。

Nirinjan Kaur所教的這個冥想Antar Naad Meditation for the Full Moon的手印,它在滿月期間做特別強大,但也可以在任何時間做。

Antar naad Mantra
Sa Re Sa Sa, Sa Re Sa Sa, Sa Re Sa Sa Sa Rung,
Har Re Har Har, Har Re Har Har, Har Re Har Har Har Rung.


Nirinjan Kaur的Mantra音樂,以及手印動作示範(與月圓冥想開蓮花手印的部位有點不同):


We will begin our first 11 Day Global Sadhana, a special format for a special time, on December 21st, 2012 and practice this meditation together every day until December 31, 2012.  Nirinjan Kaur, a life-long student of Yogi Bhajan, will guide us through a variation of the Antar Naad Mudra.  This meditation, originally taught in 1993 by Yogi Bhajan, is a key to opening the flow of the Kundalini.  The meditation gives you a new awareness and authority to make the right decisions to "conquer the ugliness of life".  It will help you become peaceful and secure during challenging times.  The mantra is a key mantra to understanding all other mantras.  The original practice of mantra required a mastery of this mantra before any other mantra was attempted.  It will open your chakras to total receptivity to all of your other practices, literally giving a strong foundation for the new age that you can build upon.

In this meditation, Nirinjan is teaching a Celestial Communication variation of this mudra.  Sometimes called the Antar Naad Meditation for the Full Moon, it is especially power during the full moon (which will occur during the sadhana), but can be done at any time.

The mantra is

Sa Re Sa Sa

Sa Re Sa Sa

Sa Re Sa Sa  Sa Rung

Har Re Har Har

Har Re Har Har

Har Re Har Har Har Rung

About this mantra it is written, "The esoteric structure of the mantra is coded in the qualities each of the sounds represent, and the rhythm that weaves them together into a coherent and powerful effect.  Sa means the Infinite, the totality, God.  It is the element of Ether.  It initiates and contains all other effects.  It is subtle and beyond.  Har is the creativity of the earth.  It is the dense element.  It is the power of manifestation, the tangible, the personal.  These sounds are women together then projected through the sound of Ung, or complete totality, like the original sound Om or Ong."

To do this meditation:

Put the hands flat together in Prayer Pose at the navel point.  As the mantra starts with Sa Re Sa Sa start to bring the palms up the center front of the torso, about 4-6 inches in front of the body.  As you pass the Heart Center, begin to open the hand mudra to make an open lotus, by the time it reaches the level of the Brow Point.  The open lotus has the base of the palms together, the little fingertips touch, the thumb tips touch, and the rest of the fingers are spread open.  As the mantra beings Har Re Har Har turn the fingers to point down, with the back of the hands touching -- it is reverse Prayer Pose.  Slowly bring this mudra down the chakras in rhythm with the music until the fingertips reach the Navel Point on the sounds Ha Rung.  Then turn them around and being again.

